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We're here to help!  Feel free to call our toll-free number for reservation assistance. We will make sure to fulfill your hotel needs.

Thanks for your interest in As the top extended stay hotel brand in the United States, we're com-
mitted to offering you value-packed suites with full kitchens for long-term hotel accommodations and short-term housing for business needs, relocation, home renovations or just visiting family and friends. You can book with us for a day, week or month and rest assured that you will enjoy the comforts of home when youre away from home.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is election day?

The 2022 United States Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

How do I register to vote?

For residents of most states, you can start your online registration here

Do I have to register to vote?

Most states require registration for voting. Click here to learn more about your state’s requirements.

Am I eligible to vote?

If you are a U.S. citizen, you can vote in federal, state or local elections. You must also meet these criteria:

  • Meet your state’s residency requirements
  • Are 18 years old on or before Election Day
  • Are registered to vote by your state’s voter registration deadline

Is there a deadline to register to vote?

Voter registration deadlines vary by state. Click here to learn more.

Where do I vote on election day?

Your specific voting location will be shared with you once you have completed your voter registration. You can confirm your voting location on your state’s voter registration website.

How can I register when I don’t have a computer in my room?

Most states offer online registration which can be completed on a mobile device with Internet access. If you’re currently a guest with Extended Stay America, just log-in to our free wi-fi on your mobile device to begin the process. If you don't have a mobile device, many public libraries will allow you to use their computers with free internet access. 

Is this initiative affiliated with a specific political party?

No. Extended Stay America believes voting is a right for every American citizen and that all voices, regardless of political affiliation, deserve to be heard and counted.