Book with confidence on
There's no guarantees in life, but there is when you're booking a hotel with Extended Stay America with our Best Rate Guarantee. When you book direct on, you can rest assured knowing you found the best rate available for any Extended Stay America hotel. We guarantee it. If you find a lower, publicly available nightly rate on a qualified travel website for the same Extended Stay America hotel with the same dates and same room type within 24 hours of your booking, we’ll honor the lower rate and then take an additional 10% off your nightly rate!
If you find a lower rate within 24 hours from the time you booked directly with Extended Stay America, submit a Best Rate Guarantee online claim form.
Claims must be submitted at least 72 hours prior to check-in for review.
If your claim is approved, we will contact you within 24-48 hours with your new confirmation and modified rate.
Please review the Best Rate Guarantee terms & conditions before submitting a claim. If you have questions, please contact us.
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