Extended Stay America provides hotel accessibility features for our guests with disabilities. Accessible hotel features available include but are not limited to:
Guests who have mobility disabilities may request bed frame removal to lower the surface of the bed. A guest in need of a disability accommodation should provide the request for bed frame removal no later than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of check-in. If a guest with a mobility disability does not provide forty-eight (48) hours’ advanced notice for bed frame removal accommodation, then the guest’s request for bed frame removal shall be accommodated within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of request by hotel management. If the forty-eight (48) hour period falls on a holiday or weekend, hotel staff will accommodate the request within seventy-two (72) hours.
Extended Stay America continues to enhance accessibility for guests with disabilities. For more detailed information on accessibility accommodations, check the webpage for the specific hotel at which you plan to stay. You can also contact the hotel or call 800.804.3724 to discuss any individual needs that you might have.
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