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Monthly Rate Hotels

It's like apartment living, only better and fewer monthly bills.
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Monthly hotel stays at a great price

With our new Extended Plus Program** you can enjoy a furnished studio at the best price with our monthly rates for longer stays. If you have to spend some time away from home, find the next best thing at Extended Stay America! Monthly hotel stays with us are a great alternative to renting and will save you hundreds on utilities like electricity, gas, water, internet and more! Choose Extended Stay America for the best rates on long-term hotels near you.

At over 760 Extended Stay America hotels nationwide, we’re proud to offer pet-friendly accommodations, fully-equipped kitchens, on-site guest laundry (open 24/7), complimentary wi-fi, free breakfast** and so much more to make your stay as comfortable and convenient as possible.

By choosing any of our monthly rate hotels, you’ll be avoiding all of the hassles that come with traditionally renting a property. Say goodbye to landlord visits, rent checks, pet restrictions, costly maintenance, utilities and more when you book a monthly hotel stay with us. With Extended Stay America, the longer you stay, the more you save!

Is Extended Stay America
better than a rental property?
Hotel logo negative.png Typical Rental
Utilities included positive.png negative.png
Fully furnished / no moving costs positive.png negative.png
Enhanced cleaning services positive.png negative.png
Cookware, dishware and silverware available* positive.png negative.png
Linens and towels supplied positive.png negative.png
Pets allowed positive.png negative.png
Guest services provided positive.png negative.png
*At Extended Stay America Suites and Extended Stay America Premier Suites locations; available for purchase at Extended Stay America Select Suites locations.

Everything you need to work, dine and relax.

**Additional fees may apply. Booking restrictions and taxes apply. Rates and availability are subject to change without notice. Please visit the Extended Plus Program to view booking terms and conditions. To obtain the deal listed on Craigslist, be sure to select the city and hotel that matches the listing. Free breakfast only available at Extended Stay America Suites and Extended Stay America Premier Suites locations.